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Sunday, October 23, 2011

32 Weeks - A long overdue note

Yes, updates have been absent for far too long. It isn't fully out of neglect; our usual main computer has been pushed aside and we have been a bit distracted due to recent occurrences. Since the past update, we have had flooding in our house that has caused significant damage.
This was before the restoration company's giant industrial dehumidifier died and leaked water all over the place and they had to tear out more flooring.

So, before our son arrives, we'll be getting new flooring throughout the kitchen and dining room, a new ceiling in the basement, and carpets cleaned throughout.

But this post isn't really about that at all.

This post is instead a sappy: "THANK YOU!" With generous baby showers, wonderful hand-me-downs, borrowed Jeeps, friends flying in from Missouri and ending up vacuuming up water, borrowed dehumidifiers and fans, frantic calls about how to turn off the water supply, tutorials on pressure fittings, and more - we have been awe-struck by how incredible our friends and family are.


Also, a huge congratulations to my beautiful sister Stacey and her new hubby. You are amazing for each other.
We left the photographing of the bride to the professionals, but here we are

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