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Monday, September 26, 2011

White T-Shirt Experiment: 2/3's Report

Well folks, we've reached the two-thirds mark - now on to the third trimester! It's been a little while since we've provided an update to the White T-Shirt Experiment.  (For those of you who haven't heard of this project, check out the initial description here, and the half-way report here).

Here's our starting point of the experiment:
8 Weeks

Now here is the beginning of the Second Trimester
Weeks 14, 18 & 21

And a slight pause to recognize the discovery of Maternity Jeans.  Look Ma - no zipper!
24 Weeks

And we'll finish with the final week of the Second Trimester:
27 Weeks

As you can see, I am slowly working my way out of the White T-Shirt, but have 12 more weeks to see what will develop.

Finally, here is a progression of the Baby Bump unhidden:

Weeks 21, 23, 24, & 27

Happy Fall, Everyone.


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