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Saturday, October 20, 2012

How to Make a Cupcake Stand Worthy of Your Floor

I had good intentions.  I made an effort.  Really, I did.

Don't these plates and glasses look cool?  I came across this great tutorial on how to make your own cake stand using plates and candlesticks, and thought, "I could do that!"

Quincy and I took a walk down to a nearby thrift shop, and I picked out these neat (and cheap!) pieces. And then after a lot of searching (who knew there was so much glue, and hey I'm a poet and I know it), I purchased this adhesive at my local craft shop.

All I can say is, don't trust The Pathophysiology Book.

It's too heavy, and will only encourage a thinly bonded group of plates and fragile glasses to jump off the counter, and shatter into a million, bajillion pieces.

But hey, it still works as a cupcake stand.

Plans are in the works to find more plates for repurposing, and to avoid the dreaded Pathophysiology Book.

Sweeping the night away,


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