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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Time Hysteria

Did you know the word hysteria originates from medical disorders attributed to women caused by "disturbances of the uterus", and is further part of a class of ailments that afflicted women, involving the movement of the uterus throughout the body (if this both intrigues and disturbs you, read on here).  I of course take this to mean that all of the Life, Hyphenated readers - men and women alike - often find their uterus traveling rapidly throughout their bodies due to the hysterical state in which the writings of this blog put them.  No harm was meant to you; our apologies for any uterine injuries this has caused.

Historical word play aside, I find myself in a perplexing Time Hysteria.  I have neglected the keyboard, and therefore neglected you, Dear Reader.  Apparently, my uterus has not gone running to my fingertips recently, and thus has left the canvas of this blog empty for far too long.

This Time Hysteria in which I am consumed, is a feeling of having much to do but no time to do it.  Time passes rapidly when you crave:

This is not to say I don't enjoy my time as a Stay At Home Mom (which I shall refer to as S@HMomma from now on because I'm trying to be trendy), in fact I do enjoy it.  I love it.  It is the perfect combination of inspiration, chaos, joy, tears, overwhelming stress, kitchen dance parties (it bears repeating; I make sure to get a few in while he's young and doesn't know his mom is lame), burps, gurgles, and laughter.  I love my baby who isn't quite a baby any more.  So no, I am not negating the importance of S@HMomma-hood.  This is a DECLARATION that time goes too quickly.  Blinking is the new breathing.

On this date one year ago, I was one day past my due date and heading into the hospital after having consistent contractions.  If this is not proof enough that a lot can change in one year, I'm not certain what else could be given as proof.

The Last Pregnancy Photo

Tomorrow Quincy will be ONE YEAR old.  He started as a squishy, tiny baby, and now he can do this:

In True Time Hysteria Fashion, I shall be doing a bit of a summation of recent events, since none of you follow me around with every move I make (though if you are in fact following me around to observe my every move, consider yourself skilled and successful; kudos).

We Celebrated Quincy's First Birthday
(yes, it was early to avoid Christmas Chaos)

Quincy wasn't a huge fan of the Birthday Cupcakes.
He eventually had a few bites with some assistance.
Handmade Birthday Banner (one of my 2:00am projects) 
Jazzed Up Birthday Shirt - I was going for a Reverse Mullet Jersey
(Business Tie in Front, Party Jersey on Back)
Ever had a Q-Cupcake?  They were delicious.

Our Closet got an Ikea Face-Lift

The Closet - Before

After Brad pulled out the old closet components, primed, painted, and added the framing

New Closet Organization - Left Side

Right Side
And the Finished Closet (including 24 pairs of shoes with room for more!)

I filled many a late night with Etsy Orders,
Christmas Gifts, and other Fun Projects

Chunky Knit Scarf - Black on Black

Chunky Newsie Hat with Chunky Flower

Shell Stitch Hat with Button-on Flower
Neon Dragon Hat and Booties (New Baby Lincoln!)
Chunky Knit Scarf with a Big Ol' Pink Button
And my biggest ticket item: The Thankful Cowl.
I made about two dozen in three weeks!

Holidays always bring about a Happy Hysteria.  My uterus may not be running rampant through my body, but Time sure is.  Are you affected by Time Hysteria?

Hysterically yours,
